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  • Writer's pictureCynthia Brian

David Austin Roses with Michael Marriott, and Jungle Jaunt with the Goddess Gardener

Micahel Marriott's Garden

Have you ever stuck your nose into the petals of a rose and inhaled in ecstasy? David Austin’s English Roses are some of the most fragrant, adaptable, and glorious roses on the planet. Cynthia Brian has the privilege of interviewing senior rosarian and respected global rose guru, Michael Marriott live on StarStyle®. They will discuss planting, pruning, and choosing roses as well as learn about his personal favorites and his future plans as a garden artist. Roses rock!

Completely covered by tangles of roots and vines, it is only in recent years that many ancient grandiose brick and sandstone temples were re-discovered in Cambodia. These monumental structures, built on top of one another for over seven centuries as capitals of the Khmer Empire, have survived the passage of time. The jungle swallowed cities and palaces constructed of wood leaving only skeletal remains and inquisitive monkeys. The bustling, colorful life of the Angkor civilization was left to the imagination and research of historians, explorers, and archaeologists. Cynthia Brian describes the flora of Southeast Asia.

Life began in the garden. A garden is where nature and nurture converge, a calming oasis where we can listen to the call of the wild and sometimes tame the shrew. Whether you consider yourself a brown thumb or a green thumb, Growing with The Goddess Gardener, will enchant, inspire, and motivate you to get up off the couch, power down your gadgets, and go outside to smell the roses. Author and Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian will discuss her newest garden book.

BIO: Michael Marriott

Michael Marriott is technical manager and senior rosarian of David Austin Roses and is one of the world’s most-respected rose experts. He is also well-known for his rose garden design and his common sense approach to gardening. In his work he travels the globe, often sharing his expertise in lively radio, TV, newspaper and magazine interviews.

He has been an integral part of David Austin Roses for over 30 years and at the firm’s headquarters in Albrighton he is the font of all matters relating to roses. His enthusiasm is infectious and his knowledge of roses is encyclopaedic, including the species roses, the old roses, climbers and ramblers, the best modern roses and of course David Austin’s English Roses. Michael has played an important part in the development and popularization of English Roses and therefore has intimate knowledge of David Austin Roses website:

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