Teens talk and the world listens every Tuesday NOON PT on the Voice America Kids Network. Produced by StarStyle® Productions, LLC and Cynthia Brian, these young adults know how to rock and express their unique views. Join the fun!
Express Yourself!’s original reporter, Rachel Glass returns to host with Brigitte Jia on the topic of growth. Personal growth and maturing go hand in hand at different life stages. Choices, decisions, situations, experiences, etc. provide important life lessons that we will remember. Author of Teach Me to Forget, Erica Chapman, writes dark, emotional novels with a burst of humor, and lighter contemporaries with smart-ass protagonists. Erica shares information about suicide prevention while talking about her life as a writer. Our purpose in discussing the topic of suicide in a segment on growth is to shine a light of awareness on the dangers and the struggles teens experience, mirroring the purpose of the novel in delving into these subjects. In Book Smart, Maria Wong reviews her favorite coming of age novel series, Jenny Han’s, To All the Boys I Ever Loved, in which the lead character’s difficult experiences help her grow and expand her horizons.
• National (U.S.) Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Bio: Erica Chapman
Erica M. Chapman is a young adult author who writes dark, emotional novels with a burst of humor, and lighter contemporaries with smart-ass protagonists. Her first novel, TEACH ME TO FORGET, debuts seventeen-year-old obsessive planner Ellery who tries to navigate through the guilt of losing her sister, lying to her best friend, and falling in love for the first time--all while waiting for the date she chose to die.
Erica is a member of SCBWI and a lifetime Lions and Michigan football fan who loves alternative music. She blogs, tweets, and watches various CW & Freeform shows while typing her next story on her MacBook in a Detroit Lions Snuggie. http://ericamchapman.com
Suicide Prevention Resources: http://ericamchapman.com/suicide-prevention-resources/
National (U.S.) Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Listen at Voice America Kids Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/99174/the-gift-of-growth
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Express Yourself! Teen Radio is produced by Cynthia Brian of Starstyle Productions, llc as an outreach program of Be the Star You Are! charity. To make a tax-deductible donation to keep this positive youth programming broadcasting weekly to international audiences, visit http://www.bethestaryouare.org/donate.htm. Dare to care!
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