When you are resilient, you’ll laugh more, play more, and enjoy a higher quality of significance. Host Siri Phaneendra brilliantly shares how she bounced backed from adversity to develop strength through love and support of family. She orchestrates a fascinating interview with author of Everything is Not Fine, Sarah Carlson who advises to give oneself time to grieve, space to mourn when times are shattering. A short preview of her novel: High school senior Rose is a pro at using art to ignore her mom’s heroin addiction . . . until Mom almost dies of an overdose, leaving her family in ruin. In the aftermath, Rose no longer has the strength to pick up a paintbrush. But then she discovers the power of admitting everything’s not fine. Siri believes that loving oneself and sharing your love with others helps us build up inner strength that cannot be disturbed by any external circumstances.
To be resilient means to bounce back quickly. Throughout life we will all encounter difficulties and circumstances requiring us to be flexible. The faster we can recover from our mishaps and turn negatives into positives, the quicker we’ll be able to move forward. It is not what happens to us that matters, it is how we react to the event.
“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again” Nelson Mandela
BIO: Sarah J. Carlson writes contemporary young adult books that delve into complex, real-world problems. Professionally, she is a school psychologist supporting the success of children with behavioral and mental health needs and helping to promote resilience in children who have been exposed to trauma and adverse childhood experiences. Sarah lives outside Madison, Wisconsin with her husband, two young children, and an energetic terrier. Her works include All the Walls of Belfast and Everything’s Not Fine. sjcarlsonauthor.com
• Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/124194/strength-and-resilience
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Keywords• #sarahcarlson,#everythingisnotfine,#resilience,#strength,,#coronavirus#cynthia brian,#be the star you are millennials to boomers, #be the star you are, #expressyourself, #voice America network, #empowerment, #starstyle, #empowerment architect