What are Micro-Enterprises?
By definition, micro enterprises are small businesses with minimal employees and minimal capital. In a developing country, necessity compels micro entrepreneurs to represent the vast majority of the small business sector. Due to a lack of formal jobs and training available to the poor, micro-enterprises add value to the economy by creating micro business, enhancing income, and lowering the overall cost of business. Micro-enterprises in developing countries allows impoverished people to start and maintain their own businesses. Most of these small businesses come in the form of local farms, selling cooked food from the sidewalk or food staples from a small store as well as basic living necessities including repurposed shoes and clothing.
The micro-enterprise industry represents one of the most effective ways to lift families out of extreme poverty in devastated economies. It is giving a hand up instead of a hand out.
Families in developing countries who receive shoes are those who have little to no income or livelihood. The ability of donated shoes to be sold or repurposed, represent an opportunity for individual families and their communities to develop micro-businesses within their areas. This empowers the population to be less reliant on charity and experience true self-sustainability.
Countries Supported:
Benin* Botswana* Cambodia* Chile* Dominican Republic* Eastern Europe* El Salvador* Ghana* Guatemala* Haiti* Honduras* India* Ivory Coast* Jordan* Moldova* Morocco* Nicaragua* Pakistan* Peru* Philippines* Poland* Tanzania* Togo* Ukraine*
Be the Star You Are!®
In collaboration with 5 A-Rent-a Space and Mark Hoogs State Farm Insurance, with teen chairperson Ella Kalpakjian and other volunteers, Be the Star You Are!® charity is launching its first shoe drive.
The shoes we collect are shipped to micro-entrepreneurs, mostly women, in developing countries. These shoes are then sold by these small business owners in communities in need of proper footwear, at an inexpensive price. Additionally, micro-entrepreneurs create a path out of poverty for themselves and others in countries where they are limited. In many cases, the difference between being able to get a job and feed your family or have no work opportunity is a pair of shoes.
Read news article: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1704/Share-your-love-with-shoes.html
What Shoes are Accepted:
All clean, wearable shoes, boots, work boots, and baby shoes are wanted. No skates, ski or snowboard boots, or rollerblades can be taken.
Why Shoes?
According to a report from the Environmental Protection Agency, in 2015:
• Textiles, including shoes and clothing, represented 16.03M tons and 65.7% of content in landfills.
• In the U.S., each individual produces 4.48 pounds of daily waste, which includes shoes that are thrown away.
• Most people do not know that shoes and clothing can be repurposed.
• 85% of consumer textiles end up in landfills, which is extremely harmful to the environment.
• Consumers are the primary reason or textiles ending up in landfills.
• Approximately 50 percent of collected shoes and clothing are re-used around the world.
• 70 percent of the global population uses repurposed shoes and clothing

DATES for Shoe Drives:
Schools in Moraga were spearheaded by Teen Chairperson, Ella Kalpakjian will have collection boxes beginning in April.
Collection boxes will be available through August 15th tat these two retail locations. Stop by to drop off your shoes.
Mark Hoogs
State Farm Insurance
629 Moraga Road
Moraga, CA 94556-221
5 A Rent-A-Space
455 Moraga Rd. #F
Moraga ca 94556-2208
925) 631-7000
1575!!!! WOW!
THANK YOU to everyone who donated!