Exactly ten years ago, Dr. Don Martin, launched his book, Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students, here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® radio show. It’s only fitting that this knowledgeable and well-traveled tour guide, should launch the 2nd edition of his popular book with StarStyle once again. Noting the historic places and main events related to pursuing a graduate degree, Dr. Martin will be joined with Managing Director, Kevin Kiley. focusing attention to the side-roads, the detours, the miles, and even the possible potholes to avoid. Dr. Don writes in an easy style giving you the facts that you need to make your informed decisions about graduate school. Dr Don and Kevin Kiley are offering a FREE 30 minute consultation via phone or SKYPE. To schedule your free consultation, email DMartin@GradSchoolRoadMap.com. Mention STARSTYLE RADIO!
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BIO: Author Dr. Don Martin:
♣ Has coached over 300 graduate school applicants in arts and sciences, business, law, medicine (master’s and doctoral), with a 97% acceptance rate
♣ For over 28 years, served as Admissions Dean and/or Dean of Students at Columbia University (Teachers College), The University of Chicago (Booth School of Business), Northwestern University (Medill School of Journalism), and Wheaton College (IL)
♣ Wrote and published Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students in 2008; second edition released in 2018; wrote and published an international Supplement for Road Map in 2009
♣ Former weekly columnist, U.S. News & World Report magazine; former contributor (four years) for SPAN magazine in India
♣ Provides graduate school webinar series for alumni – series premiered at Northwestern University
♣ Has made grad school presentations on over 50 college/university campuses in North and South America, Europe and Asia
♣ Earned a Ph.D. in Higher Education (Northwestern) and an M.A. in Communications (Wheaton)
♣ For more on Dr. Don’s professional background, see his LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-don-martin-354930b/
BIO: Kevin Kiley, Managing Director
As managing director of Grad School Road Map, Kevin Kiley coaches individuals on the graduate-school admissions process -- everything from preliminary research and preparing applications to interviews and choosing among offers of admission.
Kevin's background includes 5+ years as an MBA admissions director at Washington University in St. Louis and 5+ years in corporate talent development. His 20 total years of experience are nearly all in leadership roles. Kevin also is a national-award-winning communicator; his 8+ years of experience as a professional editor is highly leveraged in reviewing applicants' resumes and essays.
He has successfully coached graduate and undergraduate students, rising leaders, mid-career professionals, career switchers and medical doctors. Kevin holds certifications for career and leadership coaching, and his work has also spanned leadership communication, presentation skills, professional presence, team-building and conflict management.
Kevin has an MBA from WashU’s Olin School and was academically ranked 12th in a class of 117. He is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation. He and his wife live in Dallas-Fort Worth.
For more, see Kevin’s LinkedIn profile and the Grad School Road Map website.http://gradschoolroadmap.com
Listen to this interview on Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/108331/grad-school-roadmap-healthy-spaces-fire-recovery-guide
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