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  • Writer's pictureCynthia Brian

Peace with Serenidad Founder, Nola Hennessy, Tweaking Morning Routines, Championing a Cause

Nola Hennessy of Serendidad Consulting

If you are looking for upbeat, life-changing, and mind stretching information, you’ve come to the right place. Hosts Cynthia Brian and Heather Brian take you on a journey of exploration that will encourage, inspire, and motivate you to make positive changes that offer life enhancing results. It’s party time on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. And YOU are invited! Join us LIVE 4-5pm Pt on Wednesdays or tune in to the archives at your leisure. Come play in StarStyle Country. Achieving positive, mutually rewarding, and peaceful relationships takes courage and tenacity. In this interview award winning Australian author and businesswoman, Nola Hennessy, will provide insight into small, yet powerful, changes that people can make to help improve and solidify their existing relationships. Trying to get out the door to work when you have a family, animals, or other responsibilities can be stressful. In Health Matters, Heather Brittany saves you time and brain power by tweaking your morning routine. Get your happy vibes. When you feel passionate about a cause, how do you connect and engage with the people or public who need to know about what you do? Cynthia Brian answers questions that plague our minds. Bio: Nola Hennessy Nola is an advocate for people everywhere. As a successful and insightful multi-award-winning international business woman and author, Nola is not only globally recognized for delivering outstanding results against the strongest adversity, she is enduringly passionate about teaching and inspiring her fellow human beings to live lives of positivity, compassion and love. Nola is committed to empowering people to turn the tide against acts of revenge, violence, hatred, greed, and power and control struggles. Nola’s global organization Serenidad Consulting® is her vehicle to affect the changes. Her guiding principles of Excellence, Great Leadership and Positive Personal Power to achieve peace in relationships at every level around the globe, are eloquently articulated in her books. Nola advocates for ‘prevention’ strategies and education being the real long term solution to the ongoing global conflicts and increasing levels of violence and discourse. Listen LIVE at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:: Press Pass: Check out this episode on StarStyle Radio with photos and descriptions: HELP HURRICANE MATTHEW VICTIMS: More info: #StartWithaSmile at to stock up for Halloween and Amazon donates to Be The Star You Are, Inc.. Check out our online fundraiser: and our “Strikingly Blog and Literacy Page” Read our BTSYA November Newsletter: What’s happening? Want to party? Visit our Event page:!events/kgh2e Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND: Help Be the Star You Are!® without spending a penny. If you’ve ever purchased a TV or computer screen, just 3 minutes of your time is needed to fill out the simple form and click submit. Every unit qualifies for a donation of about $20 to Be the Star You Are!®. You will receive a tax receipt once the donations have been dispersed. PLEASE do this today. Thanks from Be the Star You Are!® Read about our SUCCESSFUL VOLUNTEERS: READ AT PRESS PASS: Catch up with all broadcasts on ITunes:!/id669630180?mt=2 Buy books by Cynthia Brian at Amazon Store: The award winning positive talk radio program, StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® broadcasts on the Voice America Empowerment Channel LIVE every Wednesday from 4-5pm Pt/7-8pm ET. Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany are the Mother/Daughter dynamic duo who have been co-hosting this program live weekly since 1998 bringing upbeat, life enhancing conversation to the world. With Cynthia’s expertise in interviewing the trailblazers, authors, and experts and Heather’s healthy living segments, these Goddess Gals are your personal growth coaches helping you to jumpstart your life while igniting your flame of greatness. Brought to the airwaves under the auspices of the literacy and positive media charity, Be the Star You Are!®, ( each program will pump your energy to help you live, love, laugh, learn, and lead. For photos, descriptions, links, archives, and more, visit Get inspired, motivated, and informed with StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® Lend us Your Ears!!! Make a donation today to Be the Star You Are!® charity Cynthia Brian talks about the empowering outreach programs offered by Be the Star You Are!® charity. Embed StarStyle® Be the Star You Are!® Radio If you are a fan of the authors, experts, celebrities, and guests that appear regularly on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® radio, you can now be sure to never miss an episode. Embed this code into your WordPress site or any site and you’ll always have Cynthia Brian, Heather Brittany, and all of your favorite pioneers on the planet at your fingertips. Upbeat, positive, life-changing talk radio broadcasting live each week since 1998. Lend us Your Ears. We are Starstyle®-Be the Star You Are!® Be the Star You Are!® charity. Every Season is for Giving Make a donation today. Links you can use for Be the Star You Are!® Positive Results: About Us: Programs: How to Help: Blog: Events: Contact us:


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