Tune in LIVE weekly to the upbeat, positive lifestyle broadcast where producer and host Cynthia Brian showcases strategies for success on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. Available wherever you listen to your favorite programs!
What is PTSD and how can you screen for it? What are the causes, symptoms, and treatments? According ti the National Center for PTSD, six out of every 100 people will experience post-traumatic stress sometime in their life.
Jonathan DeYoe invested a small sum in stocks at a young age — and then watched his money grow. Now a financial adviser and longtime meditator, he understands that stress plagues many would-be investors, and he has seen countless people make investment decisions driven by fear and wishful thinking. In his new book, Mindful Investing: Right Focus, Better Outcome, Greater Well-Being, JDeYoe offers accessible strategies for new or well-established Investors. With simple, evidence-based methods that don’t rely on gimmicks or constant portfolio maintenance, Mindful Investing takes away the anxiety to help you reach financial prosperity and personal well-being.
How long should you keep tax files? This is a question that haunts everyone as they attempt to maintain accurate records without cramming their closets. How many years can the IRS go back to you for an audit? Find out the facts.
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BIO: Jonathan K. DeYoe, CPWA, AIF, is a Lutheran seminarian turned Buddhist academic turned financial adviser. Jonathan is a senior VP and partner at EP Wealth, and his Mindful Money organization is focused on financial education and coaching for folks who don’t have access to traditional advice. He lives in Berkeley, California. Website: https://mindful.money.
Website: https://mindful.money
Free Course: https://courses.mindful.money/values-purpose-goals
Listen at the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/147621/ptsd-mindful-investing-tax-toss
Listen at the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/147567/nature-thanks-online-misinformation-the-gift-of-gratitude
Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/147301/wisdom-study-breast-cancer-parent-anxiety-nurturing-friends
RECENTLY PUBLISHED BOOK: Family Forever: https://cynthiabrian.substack.com/p/family-forever Available at www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store or www.StarStyleStore.net
LIVE SHOW 4-5pm PT: https://bit.ly/3cDti0Z
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