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  • Writer's pictureCynthia Brian

Patience & Positive Choices for Peace, The Present, Women’s Hearts

"When the heart is at peace, the body will be healthy.”~Chinese proverb

How often does impatience impact your relationships? How many times do you make choices without thinking of the potential for negative impact on others? Why is truth so important to growing positive, constructive relationships? Thought Leader on Peace and Positive Relationships, Nola Hennessy CEO of Serenidad Consulting® and founder of The Peace Ranch® concept, explains how growing patience, being discerning in our choices and always speaking truth (using tact and diplomacy where needed) will lead us on a path to achieving peace within ourselves and being better equipped to achieve peace, trust and harmony in our relationships with others.

How often have you found yourself living for tomorrow? You say to yourself, “I’ll do this when… If you wait for tomorrow to come to find your happy place, you may just be waiting until you are six feet under. There is no tomorrow, there is only today. The time to enjoy your life is now, in this place, at this time, wherever, whenever, and with whomever.

The number-one killer of American women, with nearly 300,000 deaths every year, is heart attacks.Angiograms may not see any blockages and doctors may declare women heart disease free. Then a heart attack occurs. Warning signs for women are different than men, Learn how to recognize and get help.

Bio: Nola Hennessy

As a successful and insightful multi-award-winning international business woman and author, Nola Hennessy is not only globally recognized for delivering outstanding results against the strongest adversity, she is enduringly passionate about teaching and inspiring her fellow human beings to live lives of positivity, compassion and love.

Nola is committed to empowering people and her global organization Serenidad Consulting® is her vehicle to affect the changes she knows the world needs.

One of Rotary International’s Inspirational Women 2011 and a USA Woman of Impact 2014, Nola leads Serenidad Consulting® in its strategic intent to facilitate positive relationships and global peace outcomes. Nola sees peace through an educator’s lens and strongly and consistently advocates for ‘prevention’ strategies and education being the real long term solution to the ongoing global conflicts and increasing levels of violence and discord.

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